ELATUS™ Plus - A 'step-change' in rust and Septoria control in wheat

Elatus Plus Wheat

Complete leaf protection

ELATUS Plus is a potent new SDHI fungicide discovered by Syngenta, and now approved for use in New Zealand on wheat. It delivers a step change in efficacy against rust and Septoria tritici in wheat crops.

ELATUS Plus contains the technical active ingredient - SOLATENOL™, which has taken Syngenta 15 years of extensive research and development, and a global team of experts to bring to the market.

In New Zealand, ELATUS Plus will be available as a solo SDHI, offering wheat growers the flexibility to add their preferred mixing partner for effective disease control and resistance management.


Elatus Plus Logo

Powerful disease control - More potent on both rust and Septoria than competitor SDHIs.
Consistent yield response - Superior intrinsic activity against disease delivers consistent results in high and low disease pressure years.
Complete leaf protection - Protection inside and outside the leaf gives long lasting green leaf area, and exceptional yield response.

More yield
Longer lasting disease control leads to exceptional yield response in wheat. 
(2 spray programme - NZ replicated trial)


Elatus Plus Yield Graph


To learn more about ELATUS™ Plus click here.